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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Plant Extract > richmanchemical/Uridine CAS NO.58-96-8/58-96-8
商品详细richmanchemical/Uridine CAS NO.58-96-8/58-96-8
richmanchemical/Uridine  CAS NO.58-96-8/58-96-8
richmanchemical/Uridine CAS NO.58-96-8/58-96-8
商品编号: 58-96-8
品牌: richmanchemical
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: United States
产品分类: 移液器
公司分类: Plant Extract
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Molecular Formula: C9H12N2O6 Formula Weight: 244.2

Molecular Formula: C9H12N2O6 Formula Weight: 244.2
Since 1988, Richman Chemical Inc. has been developing innovative solutions for chemical and pharmaceutical companies throughout the world. Founded by Ed Richman, Ph. D., a well-respected figure in the custom manufacturing business, the company has gained an industry-wide reputation for delivering superior custom manufacturing services in a timely and cost-effective way. Today, with broad experience in placing and managing projects, Richman Chemical is uniquely positioned to help you reach your business and professional goals. Richman Chemical Inc. customers range from large companies who rely on outside providers for custom project management to very small companies who have never placed or managed a custom project before. We handle lab-scale to full-scale projects and have found a niche in the kilo-scale area as well. Our capabilities include all types of syntheses and unit operations, and we have virtually unlimited access to equipment.